Home Study Services
We begin the home study process by talking with you on the telephone about the particulars of your situation--there are no fees or commitments required to discuss your case, or answer questions about your particular situation. When you are ready to move forward with the Home Study, we can then move quickly to supply you with initial documents to get things moving, usually on that same day.  

Some of the life information we will discuss will be personal, but adoption and guardianship cases are treated by the Court with a high level of confidentiality.  Once we agree to conduct your home study, we will walk you through the process on a step-by-step basis. Our commitment is make every effort to always be kind about sensitive personal matters.
Fingerprinting is a required step in the gathering of background information about prospective home study parents.  After we have reviewed your basic initial information, we will walk you through the process of providing your fingerprints, so that the necessary formal background information can be gathered. 

We will visit your home, talk with you, and quickly produce your complete home study for you to use during the adoption or child custody process. You can relax, knowing that we will make this part as positive and low-stress as possible for you. We want you to be successful, and will do everything we can to make it so.
Getting Started 
Home Visit

We will schedule your home visit as soon as possible after we walk you through the process of gathering all of the necessary formal and personal background information.  We will guide you though every step to expedite your home study and keep your adoption moving forward.  Our wish is for the entire adoption process to be a positive experience for you.
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